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Announcing our seed fundraise

Apr 04, 2022

In the fall of 2017 I returned to work after my first parental leave. Because I had truly unplugged and focused on my son for three months, I was returning to work with a fresh perspective: big ideas, more ambition, and a desire to dive right back into the fast-paced chaotic world of a VC-backed startup. 

But my excitement quickly disintegrated as I realized exactly how my parental leave had negatively impacted the business, my team - and in turn, my career. 

I returned to a team...

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How small companies can offer paid parentalĀ leave

Apr 19, 2021

One of the most common questions we get from HR leaders and individuals: how can my small company provide generous paid parental leave benefits?

Small companies typically cite two major challenges with offering extended (3+ months) paid parental leave: cost and business disruption

In fact, these two issues are inter-related. 

Because smaller companies are typically quite lean, it can be very disruptive when an employee goes on parental leave. Usually, these companies have to...

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What most companies get wrong about parental leave

Feb 22, 2021

The four most common mistakes, and what to do instead

When we first set out to build Parentaly, we spoke to dozens of HR teams and hundreds of parents about their experiences with parental leave.

The parents we spoke with were largely of greater privilege—they worked in a corporate environment, received above-average incomes, and started their families later than average (typically 30+ years old). The majority of them worked for companies that I would categorize as very...

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Introducing Parentaly: the new way to prepare for ā€” and return from ā€” your parental leave

Dec 15, 2020

The backstory

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